Life Coach #166: Jen Bea - 1% Shifts to Unlock Your Best Life

Season #6

Are you curious to learn about the strategies and mindsets that help us live our best lives today by smashing the limiting beliefs that hold us back? In this episode on The Coaching Podcast, we are joined by the inspiring Coach Jen Bee, a life and business coach dedicated to helping women and purpose-driven entrepreneurs and corporations get unstuck and thrive. We explore the power of creating 1% shifts and the importance of showing up as the best version of ourselves. From discussing her personal journey of turning mess into message, and the impact of group coaching, Coach Jen Bee brings a wealth of wisdom and practical advice. Get ready to learn about the G.R.O.W model, the role of trust, and why confidence is rooted in self-acceptance and authenticity. So, grab your favorite treat—whether it's ice cream, gelato, or froyo—and join us for an enlightening conversation with Coach Jen Bee!

Check out the highlights;

  • 1.30: Ice cream, gelato, or froyo? 
  • 2.08: What are you working on right now that lights you up?
  • 3.57: Tell us about your back story- From mess to message! 
  • 7.46: Why is it so hard to use our voice and speak our truth?
  • 11.19: Group coaching can support and help people to open up.
  • 14.21: What is the 1% principle? Point the car in the right direction!
    • When people go all in (they usually try to change three things at once) the success rate is about 5%.
    • When you go to change two habit changes, your success rate is about 35%.
    • When you change one habit, the success rate is about 90%.
  •  20.19: What makes a great coach?
    • Empathy
    • Accountability
    • Space
  • 23.42: Do you think coaching is more future-based or past-based?
    • Battling through the “itty bitty shitty committee”
  • 24.55: What are the three top reasons that people get stuck?
    • Self-trust (due to perfectionism and procrastination) 
    • People pleasing behaviors
    • Giving your energy to everyone else
  • 27.19: What does learning through play mean?
    • G.R.O.W model
    • The Prisoner's Dilemma is a classic problem in game theory that illustrates the potential conflicts between individual and collective rationality. As a communication strategy, it highlights the importance of trust and cooperation in achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.
  • 32.12: What do you wish you had learned about confidence earlier in your life?
    • Confidence is nothing more than moving to a place of self-acceptance and authenticity. 

To learn more about becoming a workplace coach or advancing your coaching skills, visit: or email Sarah: [email protected] 

About Coach Jen Bee - Life and Business Coach and Motivational Speaker

Coach Jen Bee is a life and business coach, on a quest to help women and purpose-driven entrepreneurs and corporations to get unstuck and become the best version of themselves today! Leveraging her own "mess to message" she is known as a real and action-oriented coach leading with empathy and helping her clients to get results fast. She founded GROW - Get Ready to Own Your Worth - in 2023 after a 14-year successful career as an HR professional. Through hands-on, interactive, and play-oriented workshops and coaching, she now helps others to unlock their fullest potential - financially, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Connect with Coach Jen Bee