Master Executive Coach #162: Tony Latimer - Coaching at the Speed of Thought

Season #6

Be ready for an episode like never before on The Coaching Podcast with this fascinating guest, Tony Latimer, a Master Executive Coach. Tony shares his insights on a variety of topics, such as learning how to listen from your subconscious so that you can coach at the speed of thought which operates on a Quantum Physics level. We explore the essential skill of listening, the parallels between coaching mastery and martial arts, and the transformative impact of AI in the coaching world. Get ready for a conversation filled with profound insights, practical advice, and innovative ideas that will enhance your coaching journey. Put your notebooks away, trust your memory recall, and listen deeply to this episode, if you want to learn how to become a master coach! 

Here are the summary points;

  • 1.05: Sushi or tempura?
  • 2.40: Following coaching models "V" coaching at the speed of thought happens on two levels:
    • 1) Newtonian Physics - We are using our key senses to coach.
    • Or if you want to get to the "black belt" level in coaching you have to let go of the models.
    • 2) Quantum physics - what is the degree of energy that you are able to bring to your coaching?
  • 5.10: How can a coach prepare to be fully present for a coaching session?
    • When you are learning to coach - you are letting go of being the problem-solver
    • Mastery - you need to let go of the need for the problem to be solved at all
    • Learning how to listen from your sub-conscious (all mind-state experiences are stored) helps to sharpen everything
  • 8.39: "We experience a physical manifestation of the emotional content of the neural pathway that we are currently accessing." This process helps us to re-awaken energetically with people.  
  • 10.12: Your thoughts are physical. They are electrochemical signals on neural pathways in your brain.
  • 12.21: Practice 3 times a day for 2 or 3 months: It takes 8 seconds to recall an empty mind!
  • 14.16: How can a coach be comfortable in silence?
    • Train your sub-conscious to listen for:
      • Keywords that have behind them emotions, values, and beliefs that could be blocking them from moving forward.
      • Judgments = are a conscious awareness reaction
  • 20.40: Stop taking notes! "Your ears and your mouth do not work at the same time."
    • No one has a memory storage problem - it is generally a memory recall problem.
    • There is seemingly no limit as to what you can teach your brain to do for you.
  • 25.59: Disruptive coaching idea (2030)?
    • Never use this sentence again: "AI will never be able to <insert however you make your living>!"
    • Human coaches are going to need to coach at an energetic level. 
  • 32.14: What makes a great coach?
    • Listening and Energy!
  • 32.56: What is your connection to The Inner Game of Tennis?
    • Performance Equation: Performance = Potential - Interference 
  • 37.22: Stop saying "I believe in you," instead say: "I know you can do this."
  • 38.09: 3 possible interferences:
    • 1) Skill - do they know how to do it (knowledge and confidence). 
    • 2) Environmental - anything outside of the person that impacts their ability to do it. 
    • 3) Aspiration - be careful here because you may get a false positive.
  • 40.01: "This is why we focus everything in coaching on behaviors, not mindset. You can get a mindset change from re-engineering from behaviors."
  • 41.43: How to start a coaching conversation. "People can't go anywhere if they don't know where they are." Find out what's the real issue here.
  • 43.41: Coaching is getting absolute clarity on where they are now, absolute clarity on where they need to be, and working out (at the speed of thought at a sub-conscious level) what they need to do differently to get from here to there.

To learn more about becoming a workplace coach or advancing your coaching skills, visit: or email Sarah: [email protected] 

About Tony Latimer, MCC - Tony teaches internal and external coaches and managers who coach how to get fast, deep results in coaching and leadership. 

Tony Latimer is a Master Executive Coach, working globally with leaders in transition; to guarantee promotion success for themselves, build effective leadership teams, and sustainable rapid organizational change through his Profitable LeadershipĀ® framework Having his first exposure to coaching in the early 80s, Tony is at the forefront of defining the applications of coaching in the workplace; was a founding member of ICF Singapore and is active on ICF global task-forces. He has pioneered a new approach to coach training with his MCC mastery level CCE-based membership programme delivering advanced masterclasses on The Simplicity of Mastery; pure connected presence.


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